Design Your Next Landing Page Faster

Unleash your creativity with a Free Figma Landing Page Template! Now you can design your landing page in less than an hour

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Haft Template Components
You Don’t Have To Worry

It's Completely Free, Suitable For Beginners & Experts Alike

equipped with dozens of components and hundreds of variations. Emphasize its versatility and time-saving potential

Beginner Friendly

Beginner Friendly

Making it easy for anyone, even those without design experience, to create stunning landing pages effortlessly

Structured Design System

Structured Design System

A well-organized design system within the template. This ensures consistency and coherence throughout the entire project

Dozens of Components

Dozens of Components

A lot of variety of pre-designed components available you can mix and match to build unique and eye-catching landing pages

Hundreds of Variations

Hundreds of Variations

The combinations of components are virtually endless, allowing you to tailor the landing page to their specific needs

How To Use

Step by Step To Use Haft Template

Just with this 3 simple step, you will have your own beautiful website ready in less than an hour

1. Duplicate To Your Figma

Download Haft here, and click duplicate, it will be downloaded to your Figma file

2. Copy & Paste Sections

Select all of the sections that you need and adjust it vertically, just like a landing page

3. Customize Style and Copy

You can edit the components and change the copy by the tools in the right panel

feedback compilations

Your Feedback Will Help Me Improve Haft

Haft Template V 0.1 will always be updated, so for this to be improve to meet your needs, I would like to hear from you guys what’s working and what’s not

You Don’t Have To Worry

A Lot Of Updates Are Still On Progress, Be Ready!

Actual HTML Code

Get ready to actually create the template that you designed in Figma into a real functioning website code

Progress: 32% Done

Incoming Free Icons

100+ free license for personal & commercial use icons will be ready to fit your visual design needs

Progress: 14% Done

Software & E-Commerce

Landing page template might be too narrow, soon you’ll be able to design a beautiful software and e-commerce website

Progress: 0% Done

Extra Components

Incoming extra component such as: Pricing, Timeline, FAQ, Teams, Career, Gallery, Banner, etc

Progress: 0% Done

Video Tutorial

To help you understand how to use the template better and maximize the template potential

Progress: 6% Done

Dark Mode Version

A lot of you guys love dark mode, so you’ll be creating your dark mode website as soon as possible

Progress: 0% Done

most handsome man in the world

I Want To Help Business Owner, Developers, and Also Designers Creating a Website

I know how hard and tiring it is to design a Landing Page beautifully that can meet your customers/stakeholder needs, so i built this template to make your work more productive. I hope it helps
Hafid Yusuf - Creator
You Don’t Have To Worry

It's Completely Free, Suitable For Beginners & Experts Alike

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